alternatehistoryhub purge

What if the Purge Actually Happened?

What if the Purge Was Real?

10 More Dumb Alternate Scenarios

What if the Hindenburg Disaster Never Happened?

The Time Napoleon Almost Exploded on Christmas

What if Trump Was Never Elected President?

What if Nobody Had Lived in the Americas?

What if Neanderthals Didn't Go Extinct?

What if Disease Didn't Wipe Out the Native Americans?

What if the Moon Was Habitable?

What if the Reformation Never Happened?

What if the Byzantine Empire Survived?

What if Anyone Won the Korean War?

AlternateHistoryHub videos be like:

What would happen if the Purge was real? Purge Night.

What if 'Red Dawn' Had Actually Occurred?

What if (X-Men) Mutants Were Real?

Mandatory I'm Not Dead Update

UPDATE: Why Not So Many Videos Lately?

What if Britain Lost the Seven Years War?

The Alternate Timeline Iceberg Explained (Part 3)

What if American Slavery Never Existed?

What if Napoleon Never Rose To Power?

What if the UK Invaded the Netherlands in 2021? (Yes, really)